The Problem with Abortion ProhibitionIf you believe life begins at conception and every abortion is murder, this post is for you.Sep 23, 2017Sep 23, 2017
Fat is not About Care Costs but EstheticsThe health care cost implications for American society of a person being fat is a thing right now. It is being used as yet another tool to…May 31, 2017May 31, 2017
Market Wage vs. Living WageWages are social conventions. There is no fundamental reason why the free market should produce enough living wage jobs for everyone.May 15, 2017May 15, 2017
Money is Bookkeeping; Goods are RealDespite the obsession with money in American culture, Americans do not know what money is. Money is simply the bookkeeping of debts of…Dec 17, 2016Dec 17, 2016
JFK Saw It Coming: Flint, Labor Day 1960John F. Kennedy gave an incredibly prescient speech about the coming elimination of jobs by automation, in Flint, Michigan on Labor Day…Sep 6, 2016Sep 6, 2016
Polls and Morals, Mores, and SentimentsPollsters want to now what people believe, but usually only get what people think they should say. Why? Morality is composed of morals…Jul 8, 2016Jul 8, 2016
Bernie’s Revolution Now in 22 StatesFor 22 states, implementing Bernie Sanders’s proposals at the state level would be cheaper for state taxpayers than Federal programs. This…Jun 11, 2016Jun 11, 2016
Let’s be Jane Austen CharactersIs work necessary to have a fulfilling life? People in Jane Austen’s time didn’t think so, living rich lives without ever working for pay.May 9, 2016May 9, 2016
Reason #3: Hillary Clinton Tells the TruthI support Hillary Clinton, and will vote for her for President. Here is why.Apr 29, 2016Apr 29, 2016
The Pill Broke Dystopian FuturesDystopian futures have been a mainstay of fiction for generations. The birth control pill broke the central premise of these futures…Mar 15, 2016Mar 15, 2016